

Church Council

President                           John Marsh
Vice President                   Randy Straatmann
Secretary                           Tami Frye
Treasurer                           Ron Carey


  Pastor: John Gosswein


The responsibilities of these committees include, but are not limited to the following:
EDUCATION MINISTRY COMMITTEE:           Judy Gosswein                 

  1. Sunday School program and staff: recruiting teachers and directors, choosing Sunday School material.
  2. Coordination of VBS and staff
  3. Christmas Program director and staff
  4. Oversight of the Adult Biblical study programs
  5. Assist with the Youth Program as needed (Deb Middleton & Nan Straatmann).
  6. Oversight of the Confirmation Program (Pastor John & Vicki).

EVANGELISM MINISTRY Taskforce: Julia Garaffa

  1. Greet and welcome visitors to FOC worship services.
  2. Call on non-active members of FOC and maintain a relationship with these members; encourage active participation.
  3. Call on new residents to welcome them and invite them to visit FOC.
  4. Cooperate with fellowship and/or learning committee to plan activities for FOC.
  5. Make the church building look presentable and friendly.
  6. Oversee posters/ etc. in narthex and also banners in the front of church.

Nona Svoboda, Joyce Albers, Cindy Grabenstein, Barb Laursen

  1. Organize occasional potlucks, picnics, etc. Meals for Advent & Lent.
  2. Care and support congregational members in the homes & their families.
  3. Provide meals for hospitalized and grieving members.
  4. Be aware of disasters, such as medical needs and housing
  5. Oversight of the Care Teams.
  6. Parish Nurse Program
  7. Smaller group ministries such as: 3 M and Prayer Group, etc.


  1. Meet twice yearly; an informal meeting with each employee and Pastor.
  2. Be responsible for job descriptions for all paid staff.
  3. Any reports to Council or Congregation must be agreed upon mutually by all parties.
  4. The contents of the meeting and discussion must be completely confidential.
  5. Meetings aside from the twice yearly meetings, may be called by the pastor, And employees, and/or  a member of the committee


  1. Oversee and assist in the work of the custodians.
  2. Manage the property – (charge on mowing / snow removal).
  3. Make recommendations of improvements beyond the budget to the Congregation Council Members at Large.
  4. Make sure there is sufficient insurance coverage. (Congregational members should direct any problems or concerns with the church property to the Property Chairperson.)

STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY COMMITTEE:  Jantha Jameson, Bob Grabenstein

  1. Encourage faithful financial year round stewardship in the congregation – for all including children and presenting the current stewardship program to new members.
  2. Helping to foster the spirit of fellowship in the congregation.
  3. Talent Coordination in conjunction with the Volunteer Coordinator.
  4. Make the congregation aware of the “Simply Giving” program and encouraging its use.
  5. Annually plan event (s) to encourage Stewardship such as Consecration Events and Campaigns.
  6. Working with the Volunteer Coordinator and Church Secretary to assist in keeping the computer membership program up to date.

Memorial Committee: 

Chairperson: Elaine Anderson  234-9469
Assistant:       Marian Kotas       234-1453

A Memorial Journal is keep to record all memorials that are received along with where they were designated and when they were used.


  1. Staff, train and supervise the ushering and greeting volunteers.
  2. Oversight of training and scheduling lay assistance for worship services, reading the Scripture, preaching, shut-in communion etc.
  3. Approve or disapprove new forms of worship, liturgies, and hymns for use in public worship.
  4. Supervise an alter guild in care, use and maintenance of the alter furnishings, paraments and vessels, vestments. Coordinate chancel decorations and ensure an adequate supply of expendable items such as communion bread and wine; baptismal supplies and candles, etc.
  5. Be involved in planning worship events during the year 
  6. Recommend personnel for music staff as required for public worship.
  7. Be responsible for special flowers in the chancel, and the distribution and/or disposal of the flowers.


Dream Team
Task Forces